Traditional performance reviews, with their outdated rating systems and annual feedback cycles, are increasingly ineffective and disengaging for both managers and employees. Many organizations are rethinking this process. Keep reading to discover how major companies are reshaping their performance reviews to maximize employee growth and engagement. “In business, the idea… read more
How to Revitalize a Disengaged Team
Reconnecting with disengaged employees is crucial for team success. Discover simple, yet powerful strategies to value their work, offer meaningful recognition, and encourage growth—without relying on flashy perks.
How to Be Assertive At Work Without Being a Jerk
Understanding the line between true assertiveness and aggression is key to professional success. Discover what true assertiveness looks like, how to cultivate it with confidence, and how to pursue your goals without stepping on others.
What Makes a Great Employee Recognition Program?
Establishing a thoughtful and consistent approach to recognizing employee achievements can help boost employee engagement and is critical to the growth and success of any organization. Read on and discover more about the benefits of employee recognition programs and the seven essential elements to consider when developing your program.
How to Successfully Manage Challenging Projects
With new projects and assignments comes more responsibility in overseeing all the moving parts. Read below to learn some simple tactics and strategies you can employ to effectively manage your most challenging projects.
How to Effectively Manage Your Remote Team
Zoom calls, instant messaging, and working alongside pets are all part of the work-from-home environment. Read below to learn some simple tactics and strategies you can employ to effectively manage your remote team.
Salary is Important, but Choosing the Right Leader is Crucial
During your job search, focusing on the role, salary and benefits are important; however, you don’t want to overlook the personality and leadership style of the hiring manager. Here are some tips for evaluating a job based on who you will report to.
How to Make Difficult Employees Feel Heard and Understood (and What to Do When You Can’t)
As a supervisor, it’s your job to solve difficult problems. So what happens when those difficulties aren’t just problems, but people? Here are some tips for restoring peace in the office without losing ground.
How to Offer Constructive Criticism: 5 Useful Tips
Providing feedback can help team members become more effective at their job, but it can be difficult to be critical of others. Constructive criticism requires the appropriate timing, delivery, and consideration.
How to Be a Manager After Being Friends
So, you’ve been promoted. Those around you are excited to see you take the next step in your career. But, how will your work-place relationships change as you shift from coworker to manager?