By Amira Pollock

Part 2 of this series explored how to identify and support Catalysts on your team to help your organization through times of upheaval.

“Everyone needs people to help them be flexible and agile and put together information that is literally changing every day. And that’s what Catalysts do.”
Tracey Lovejoy, Coach and Researcher
Last December, UT’s Center for Professional Education presented a three-part webinar series that I hosted. Each featured a thought leader with a different perspective on leadership. Part 2 of our webinar series explored why now is the time for catalytic leaders to shine with Tracey Lovejoy, a coach and researcher behind the Catalyst Movement. Here are some highlights from our conversation:
Identify the Catalysts on your team
“Everyone needs people to help them be flexible and agile and put together information that is literally changing every day. And that’s what Catalysts do,” Tracey pointed out. Think about who on your team might fit this profile and speak with them about it. Tracey suggested asking them questions such as these: Does this resonate with you? Is this how you identify? Can you help me think about who in the organization might identify like this?
Uncover the why behind the ideas of Catalysts
Tracey explained that Catalysts are change-makers who are quick to move from inspiration to implementation. They take in lots of information, problem-solve rapidly, form a vision, and are eager to move into action. Another one of their characteristics is the ability to see around corners. Although the possibilities and solutions that Catalysts generate seem obvious to them, others on their team may miss the why behind their ideas. Work together to connect the dots and see their perspectives, and you leverage the strengths of these change-makers on your team.
Gather your Catalysts to create community
“Lone wolves” is how Tracey described this profile of people. Support Catalysts by taking them out of isolation and into a community of like-minded change-makers. Embrace them by being open-minded, curious and ready to listen when they share new ideas. Give your catalytic leaders what they need to shine and they will help create the positive changes organizations are hungry for in these challenging times.

Amira Pollock is an instructor for the Center for Professional Education and a leadership/communication coach and frequent presenter for the Texas MBA+ Leadership Program, McCombs School of Business, at The University of Texas at Austin. She is also regularly selected as a presenter at SXSW.
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