By Tracy S.

Professional development is one of the best ways to improve the productivity and outlook of your staff from the inside out.
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether 20 or 80, anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
Henry Ford, American Industrialist
As a leader, you know that staff development is important if you hope for your company to get and stay ahead of the competition.
While it is impossible to fully understand everything professional development can do for your operation until you see it in place, there are a few benefits that are consistent. Consider these five advantages that your team and organization can count on if you embrace professional development
1. Sharpen Knowledge – Even staff who are at the top of their game have something to learn. By utilizing professional development you can enhance industry knowledge or help your team learn additional support skills that will assure they are the best they can be at their job.
2. Keep Up with Technology – One thing that is certain is that technology is always changing. Professional growth and development coursework that focuses on technology can help make sure you are at the forefront of new technological advances and getting the most out of them.
3. Build Confidence – A well-trained staff member who has up-to-date skills will be more confident. Confident employees will help you close deals and put on a better public face for your organization. Plus, your team members will be motivated to grow WITH your organization, too.
4. Create Leaders – For many organizations, creating leaders from within is the best way to build for the future. Leadership reading, professional development courses and mentoring are all forms of development that can help staff grow with your organization and become tomorrow’s leaders.
5. Improve Engagement – Nothing is more frustrating for employees than to feel stagnant in their jobs. When you offer professional development, you improve engagement and productivity throughout the ranks of your organization. Your staff will be excited about what tomorrow may bring both them and your firm.
A company that encourages employee development and professional education will benefit in the short term from up-skilling and retaining current staff. Additionally, those benefits will compound over time as staff take on leadership roles and help the organization grow in the years ahead. The Center for Professional Education offers a variety of one- and two-day professional development courses focusing on communication, leadership skills that equip you to succeed in your career. We look forward to supporting you in your career aspirations and helping you build a brighter future for your business.
Tracy is a freelance writer who focuses on a variety of topics, including education. She specializes in writing blogs and website content for a different industries, but professes a particular fondness for education since her husband is a teacher.
Learning and professional growth go hand in hand. For regular career insights and information on continuing education programs offered by UT’s Center for Professional Education, subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, It’s Your Career.